Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fire on River St. In Cambridge, MA

Today 5/17/08 a fire broke out in triple decker next to the Wash and Dry Laundromat on River St. in Cambridge, MA. It is across from the Indian Store on William St. The smell of the burning building could be smelled in a large portion of Cambridgeport.

Firefighters climb to the roof of the triple decker that is on fire.
Police blocked off Pleasant St. so that cars could not go onto River St.

Cops gaze down River St. and this 70 T bus was stranded. People had to get off and walk to Central Square.

Firefighters climb a ladder to get to the building roof while spectators watch
A close up of the William St. River St. Corner
Something started gushing out the bottom of this truck

Firefighters climbed the fire escape of this house on Pleasant St. in the same block as the burning building. They knocked on windows to see if anyone was inside. They wanted them to leave for their own safety.

Junction Pleasant & River St.

A firefighter gets ready to go into action.

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