Monday, June 18, 2007

What do these three have in common?

We all went to the Tanzania School of Journalism (at different times) and we all worked for Tanzania's government owned English language newspaper, Daily News. We all now live in the USA.

Here we were celebrating Lady Diana Kibodya's 50th Birthday, at a grand party held in Springfield, Massachusetts on June 16th.
Lady Diane is a originally from South Africa. She fled her native country following the Soweto uprising, she witnessed the murder of her schoolmate 13 year old Hector Pietersen by whte racist police in Apartheid South Africa. She then fled by foot with other shcoolmates to Swaziland and ended up in Uganda and later Tanzania where she met her husband Isaac Kibodya.
Lady Diane has four children and a grandson. All were present at the party along with many friends and colleagues from around the world.


Anonymous said...

what they have in common ?age mates

Anonymous said...

They all worked at the dame newspaper, Daily News in Tanzania.